Tablature is a method of indicating the position of notes on the fretboard. There are four “tab” lines, each representing one of the four strings of the bass.
When a number is placed on one of the lines, it indicates the fret location of a note, e.g.:
The tablature, as used in this book, does not indicate the time values of the notes, only their position on the fretboard. You can read the time values by following the count written beneath the tablature, e.g.:
In this example, the first note is worth one count, the second and third notes are worth half a count each and the fourth note is worth two counts.
The small number in the count is used to indicate where a note is being held or where a rest occurs.
Note readers may need to refer to the tablature to determine the position of an example.
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i wanna know every thing i can about bass
I need to know if Do,Re,mi,fa,so,LA,ti,do.have it own family? Thanks or not complete
Hi Derkings, Do,Re,Mi,Fa,So,LA,Ti,Do is complete and represents the intervals of the major scale “family”. Whatever note you start and finish on (i.e. the “Do”s) becomes the name of the scale and this then defines the notes of that scale. e.g. if you sing or play a C note for “Do” then, “Re” = the 2nd note in the C major scale, a D, “Mi” = the 3rd note in the C major scale, an E, etc. Not sure if this helps… Here is some more info on this when applied to Piano, including a video and audio so you can hear an example.