Guitar Lessons - How to Play Guitar

Teach yourself how to play guitar with our award winning easy guitar lessons, designed and used by professional guitar teachers and students worldwide. Browse the titles below or use the Refine Selection section to find what your looking for.

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    • Top Seller
    Progressive Guitar for Adults

    Progressive Guitar for Adults

    List Price: US$29.95

    Your Price: US$23.96

    A comprehensive teach yourself lesson by lesson introduction to playing the guitar. Covering notes on all six strings, lead guitar picking technique, rhythm guitar chords and strumming patterns, fingerpicking, reading music and basic music theory. Includes many well known pop, rock, folk, and blues songs. No prior knowledge of music or guitar is needed. Learn More
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    Progressive Open Tunings for Guitar

    Progressive Open Tunings for Guitar

    List Price: US$19.95

    Your Price: US$15.96

    Teach yourself how to play guitar with our easy open tuning guitar lessons. Covers popular alternative tunings including dropped-D, dropped-G and many open chord tunings. Also covers the important techniques required to learn to play the guitar including hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, bends, harmonics and string muting. Suitable for all ages and all types of guitars including acoustic guitars and electric guitars. Includes 81 guitar exercises, guitar chord progressions, guitar riffs, guitar licks, guitar solos and popular easy guitar music in blues guitar, folk guitar, jazz guitar and rock guitar styles. In full color throughout with photos, diagrams and easy-to-read guitar music, guitar chords and easy guitar tabs. Comes with 1 DVD and 1 DVD-ROM containing guitar videos and audio demonstrating all examples. Basic knowledge of how to read music and playing guitar is required to teach yourself to learn to play guitar from this book. Includes free guitar chord poster. Learn More
  1. Progressive Guitar Chords

    Progressive Guitar Chords

    List Price: US$24.95

    Your Price: US$19.96

    A comprehensive chord reference manual, containing every useful chord shape in every key. This book has been specifically designed for players of three different levels: the beginner, for whom there are open chord sections and simple chord shapes in all keys; the semi-advanced player, who will need a thorough knowledge of bar chord shapes in all positions; and the advanced player, who will refer to the movable shapes for chords widely used by jazz guitarists. Learn More
  2. 10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Rock Guitar

    10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Rock Guitar

    List Price: US$19.95

    Your Price: US$15.96

    Learn to play bar chords, rhythm patterns and chord progressions. Also lead guitar riffs, licks and solos using all the essential lead guitar scales and patterns. Learn More
  3. 10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Guitar for Young Beginners

    10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Guitar for Young Beginners

    List Price: US$19.95

    Your Price: US$15.96

    Introduces the younger student to the basics of guitar playing and reading music. To maximize the student's enjoyment and interest, the Introducing Young Beginner series incorporates an extensive repertoire of well-known children's songs. All the songs have been carefully graded into an easy-to-follow, lesson-by-lesson format, which assumes no prior knowledge of music or the guitar by the student. Learn More
  4. 10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Guitar Chords

    10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Guitar Chords

    List Price: US$19.95

    Your Price: US$15.96

    An easy to use chord dictionary containing the most useful open, jazz and bar chord shapes of all the most commonly used chord types. Also includes special sections on tuning, reading sheet music, transposing and using a capo. Learn More
  5. 10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Blues Guitar Licks

    10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play Blues Guitar Licks

    List Price: US$19.95

    Your Price: US$15.96

    Features a wide variety of licks and solos incorporating styles and techniques used by the world's greatest blues players. Includes sections on turnarounds, intros and endings, playing over stops, call and response, and the use of dynamics. Learn More
  6. Progressive How to Tune the Guitar

    Progressive How to Tune the Guitar

    List Price: US$5.95

    Your Price: US$4.76

    Contains a wealth of information to assist with the tuning of the guitar. Covers both simple and advanced tuning methods along with valuable information on choosing and fitting strings for all types of guitars as well as useful setup and maintenance tips. Learn More
  7. 10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play How to Tune the Guitar

    10 Easy Lessons - Learn To Play How to Tune the Guitar

    List Price: US$5.95

    Your Price: US$4.76

    A comprehensive guide to tuning methods for all types of guitars. Also contains valuable information on choosing and fitting strings, along with useful maintenance and setup tips. Learn More
  8. Introducing Guitar for the Young Beginner

    Introducing Guitar for the Young Beginner

    List Price: US$9.95

    Your Price: US$7.96

    An enjoyable easy to follow introduction to the guitar for young beginners. Covers the basics of both melody and chord playing using simple arrangements of favorite children's songs. Features entertaining illustrations with each song. Learn More

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  • How To Play Guitar Techniques: Vibrato and Bending

    Techniques for the lead guitarist

    Have you ever dutifully practiced your scales, as shown to you by a guitar teacher or in a book and wondered what is needed to turn it into real music? Vibrato and bending are two great techniques that will help to bring your guitar playing alive. Think of any accomplished lead guitarist - all of them would use vibrato and bending at some s ...

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