Customer Reviews

Progressive Piano Method for Young Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Thank you so much for being such a good provider great music lessons to the world. In fact, I learned from your Rhythm Guitar Method book when I was young. Yours are the best music books/lessons I have ever found my whole life."

Do Mung (Nebraska, US)


Progressive Blues Guitar Solos

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Got me addicted to playing blues guitar. Changed my life. I've bought a lot of books over the years and this is the one I keep coming back to […] this is the only one you need."

J. Cowles (Cornwall, UK)


Complete Learn to Play Saxophone Manual

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"A truly wonderful book. I have learned more in the short time I've had this book that I would have ever imagined."

Michael Turner (Amazon Review)


Progressive Keyboard Method for Young Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I have used your Progressive Keyboard Method for years as I find it a brilliant series, the tunes are great, the illustrations bright and cheerful and really appeals to the kids."

Mandy (Music Teacher)


Popular Classics of the Great Composers: Volume 1

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"The Progressive Popular Classics series have come to us from Australia and turn out to be some of the best of the genre."

Anonymous (Amazon Review)


Progressive Piano Method for Young Beginners: Book 1

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"My daughters' piano teacher recommended I get this book and I am glad I did. It is so easy to follow that they both pick it up and practice on their own without me having to remind them frequently. Even I have fun learning with them. It makes learning to play the piano lots of fun, and not a task."

Wordkeeper, Caribbean (Amazon Customer)

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"This bookisgreattoself-teachpiano. My 7yo daughter picked this up very easily and taught herself the entire book, very quickly. The teaching method in the book is very well planned."

Sara (Product Review)


Progressive Flute

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"In my opinion, these tutors are better than average. The inclusion of jazz/blues/improv basics puts them a cut above the usual boring tutors with nothing but classical etudes etc. Made my teacher sit up and take notice."

Neil M (via email)


Rock Saxophone for Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I am finding this book to be oneofthebetter,wellstructuredcoursesI have found online. Trust me when I tell you I have used a lot of resources off the internet and this is a very good course."

Craig M (via email)


Recorder Lessons for Kids - Book 1

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Hello, first I would like to say that I really enjoy your products. I bought my daughter a recorder a while ago and it came with a music book, but it was so confusing that she quickly lost interest. Then, I came across your site and purchased the Recorder for Kids ebookandbookmarkedthevideos. Shewasskepticalatfirst but after the first lesson, she was hooked! After two weeks she is actually playing her recorder! She plays it around the house even when she could be playing video games, it's amazing. I even bought a recorder and am going through book one so we can play together, lol. We homeschool and recently my husband began working from home. Today he listened to her and was amazed at the progress. Thank you so much for helping me give my child the ability to learn to read and play music."

Brandi (via email)


Progressive Guitar for Adults

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I have to say it's the best guitar book I've purchased, I've learnt more in the past 2 weeks, than I have in the last 2 years - so thank you!"

Samantha (via email)


Acoustic Guitar Lessons for Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"This book is absolutely amazing!!! I'm only on lesson 4 and I've learned so much and I've onlyhaditlessthenaweek!!! Even teaches you fingerpicking! And classical songs!!! This book is amazing!! I'm starting off easy then going into the bigger books!!! Thank you!!!!"

Nicholas (Product Review)


Progressive Classical Guitar

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I own the book / CD version of this and absolutely love it.  There are twenty well organized and graduated lessons, and if you're hooked then you can easily keep going with Waldron's other books.  I like his 19th Century Masterpieces asafollowup.  The CD features clear, beautiful playing that makes an excellent model to aspire to.  I like several styles of guitar playing; Jason Waldron kept me going back to classical."

Ken (Product Review)


Ragtime Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Superb... I bought thisbookalreadyhavingalotof ability with fingerstyle playing but have found running through the basics again very useful - I think that it would also be an excellent book for a beginner to take their playing to the next level. It's well arranged with the exercises intelligently designed to gradually get you through to the next stage finished off with some nice arrangements of ragtime standards that use the techniques taught. Well worth the ££'s"

Guy (Product Review)


Guitar Lessons for Kids - Book 1

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Excellent book... have been teaching guitar for many years and this one of the best I have found to teach. Most of my students have been very successful with this book and video!! Keep up the great work! "

Paul (Product Review)


Progressive Bass

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"As a music teacher, I have been using different editions of this book for 25 years. The combination of tabs,notationandgroovesmeansthatitfocuseson what you really need to know as a bass player. It may be the only book on playing electric bass you will ever need.   "

JF (Product Review)


Progressive Fingerpicking Guitar

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I picked up this book 33 years ago and the rest is history. It's brilliant and I recommend purchasing it to all (as I have done to all my students).  Beats any youtube learning! "

David (YouTube Comment)


Complete Learn to Play Fingerpicking Guitar Manual

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"This book is very complete with lots of different styles represented and I am very much enjoying working my way through it. Well done!"

Kathy (via email)


Trumpet Lessons for Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Thank you for a wonderful video course. I have had so much pleasure from practicing with it"

Johan (via email)


Ukulele Lessons for Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"I regret that my English does not allow me to express to you my satisfaction for the purchase of your book Ukulele Lessons for Beginners. It is a very good book, it is helping me a lot and the videos and audios complement the explanations very well. It is the best book I know for learning this wonderful instrument. I simply wanted to tell you. Thank you very much for your work."

Juan (via email)


Bass Lessons for Beginners

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Very enjoyable and easy to understand. I have never played any instrument in my life, I'm in my forties. I can say it's been a real pleasure learning to play my bass. Thank you Gary Turner and Koala Music Publications."

anon (via website feedback form)


Progressive Country Fingerpicking Guitar Method

5 Star Review

5 out of 5 Stars

"Just want to tell you that this is one of the most useful tutors I have come across - perfect for what I do, which is country-flavoured busking on solo guitar. Best wishes"

Adrian (via email)





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