Music Lessons - How to Play Music

Teach yourself how to play music with our award winning easy music lessons, designed and used by professional music teachers and students worldwide. Browse the titles below or use the Refine Selection section to find what your looking for.

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  1. Progressive Keyboard Technique

    Progressive Keyboard Technique

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    Introduces the student to the basics of playing with both hands and reading both treble and bass clef. Covers left hand accompaniment styles, chord playing, thumb and finger crossovers, sequences and basic hand positions in three major keys and one minor key. The book can be used with any type of keyboard or synthesizer and examples are played using a variety of keyboard voices. Learn More
  2. Progressive Country Guitar Method

    Progressive Country Guitar Method

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    Introduces you to the exciting world of country guitar. It will not be necessary to have any previous knowledge of the guitar, as this book is suitable for the complete beginner. This books deals with the two main classifications of country guitar - rhythm and lead, and teaches all the important basic chords and rhythms used in country guitar. Includes country chord progressions, bass note picking and basic country licks. Learn More
  3. Progressive Funk Piano Method

    Progressive Funk Piano Method

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    For students who wish to play funk piano, either in a group or solo. Contains important information on creating piano parts, playing in major and minor keys and transposing. The exercises sound great as well as teaching the necessary notes and techniques. Learn More
  4. Progressive Country Keyboard Method

    Progressive Country Keyboard Method

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    A great introduction to the fundamentals of country keyboard playing. All exercises sound great as well as teaching the necessary notes and techniques. Contains all the information needed for playing in a band, accompanying a vocalist and solo playing. Learn More
  5. Progressive Country Drumming

    Progressive Country Drumming

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    A complete method for learning to play drums authentically in the country idiom. Explains and demonstrates beats and fills in a variety of country and country rock styles. Several full length solos are also given to show how to play these styles in the context of a song. Learn More
  6. Progressive Blues Drums

    Progressive Blues Drums

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    A complete method for learning to play authentically in the blues idiom. Explains and demonstrates beats and fills in a variety of styles including shuffles, slow blues, New Orleans second line beats and funky R&B grooves. Several full length solos are also given to show how to play these styles in the context of a song. Learn More
  7. Progressive Blues Guitar Solos

    Progressive Blues Guitar Solos

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    Teach yourself how to play guitar with our easy blues guitar lessons. Covers the important techniques required to learn to play the blues guitar including minor scales, pentatonic scales, blues scales and major scales in various patterns and how to harmonize across the entire fretboard. Suitable for all ages and all types of guitars including electric guitars and acoustic guitars. Includes 49 blues guitar exercises in a variety of styles such as shuffles, traditional slow blues and jazz style blues, along with R&B and funk grooves, written in the styles of blues legends like B.B. King, Albert King, Freddie King, Albert Collins, Buddy Guy, Otis Rush and Stevie Ray Vaughan. In full color throughout with photos, diagrams and easy-to-read blues guitar music and easy blues guitar tabs with chords for accompaniment. Comes with 1 CD containing guitar audio demonstrating all examples. Basic knowledge of how to read music and playing guitar is required to teach yourself to learn to play guitar from this book. Learn More
  8. Progressive Country Guitar Technique

    Progressive Country Guitar Technique

    List Price: AU$29.95

    Your Price: AU$23.96

    Teach yourself how to play guitar with our easy country guitar lessons. Covers the fundamental techniques and practical guitar theory required to learn to play country guitar including country guitar chords, country guitar scales and country fingerstyle guitar lessons. Suitable for all ages and all types of guitars including electric guitar and acoustic guitar. Includes 90+ country guitar exercises, country guitar chord progressions, country guitar riffs, country guitar licks and easy country guitar songs for beginners. In full color throughout with photos, diagrams and easy-to-read country guitar music for beginners, country guitar chords for beginners and easy country guitar tabs for beginners. Comes with 1 CD containing guitar audio demonstrating all examples. Basic knowledge of how to read music and playing guitar is recommended to teach yourself to learn to play guitar from this book. Learn More
  9. Progressive Manuscript Book 1 - A5 Stapled, 24 Pages, 6 Stave

    Progressive Manuscript Book 1 - A5 Stapled, 24 Pages, 6 Stave

    List Price: AU$4.95

    Your Price: AU$3.96

    6 Stave 24 Pages. A high quality manuscript paper in A5 format. Contains 24 pages of 6 stave manuscript. Learn More
  10. Progressive Manuscript Book 2 - Stapled, 32 Pages, 12 Stave

    Progressive Manuscript Book 2 - Stapled, 32 Pages, 12 Stave

    List Price: AU$6.95

    Your Price: AU$5.56

    12 Stave 32 Pages. An A4 sized manuscript book containing 32 pages of high quality, 12 stave manuscript paper. Free theory chart inside. Learn More

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  • How To Play Guitar Techniques: Vibrato and Bending

    Techniques for the lead guitarist

    Have you ever dutifully practiced your scales, as shown to you by a guitar teacher or in a book and wondered what is needed to turn it into real music? Vibrato and bending are two great techniques that will help to bring your guitar playing alive. Think of any accomplished lead guitarist - all of them would use vibrato and bending at some s ...

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